Blogs • I have written.

i love to share my learnings.

i have started writing in 2021, mostly about web development on various platforms like freeCodeCamp, hashnode, medium, etc.

below are some of the blogs i have written.

javascript behind the scene

I think we all like to watch BTS(Behind The Scene), whether it is a BTS of a movie or it could be BTS of your favorite show. But have you ever imagined if we could watch behind the scene of a programming language?...

let, const and temporal dead zone in javascript

As let and const are almost similar I will explain this only with the help of var and let. So, below is our program...

scope, scope-shain, and lexical environment in javascript

Scope in JavaScript is the range where we can access specific variables and functions or you can say...

variable shadowing in JavaScript

in this blog we will talk on shadowing in javascript, what is illegal shadowing. So, please read this...